
jumping pictures...is it cooler than i'm aware of, or am i just missing something big? i can't help but notice that in almost every vacation-related photo album of my near and dear facebook friends, they all have one, weird, slightly stupid thing in common.

and it looks something like this (ps i performed discretion in using a stock image despite the fact that i have access to nearly 1 million facebook pictures demonstrating this unexplained phenom, but for the sake of keeping friendships in tact, or, at the least, non-awkward during social events, here's a stock image that was weirdly readily available):

um, why is this a phenomenon? i would get it if everyone was jumping off some rocky, moss-covered cliff and falling into a blue enchanting, rainbow-etched spring (or perhaps just a cement sidewalk (sorry, i'm still kind of down in the dumps))...but they're typically very much not jumping for any cool or explainable reason.

so i ask why?

why are you all jumping at the same time, for no apparent reason other than to be photographed with your feet unattached to the ground?

you're defying gravity? you're really excited? you're on a trampoline?

that doesn't seem to be the case in any of the pics. i think they're just jumping...and in my opinion, with the sole reasoning that it's the 2009/10 hottest, most trendworthy facebook pose.


(in 2008, the in facebook pose was the puckered lips and peace sign combo, but you wouldn't be caught dead doing that anymore, now would you? ...didn't think so.)

so instead, you're jumping in unison...?

i don't get it.