
Name:Ryan - Although I have many other "names" as well. My family all lovingly refer to me as "Ry" and in my youth I was known as RyGuy.
State, region, territory, etc.:Born and raised in the countryside of Illinois, went to school and lived in Galva from age 11 on. Moved to Iowa City after graduating college in 2004 and here I am...still
Hair color:Dark brown, although many people refer to my hair as being black. It's not black and yes, there is a difference.
Eye color:Brown and yes, you could stare into them forever.
Shoe size:9.5 and I'm very happy about that.
Height:5'10. I wish I was taller, but at times I don't because I have a theory that taller people become hunchbacks as they age.
Can you...?
sing well:This is debatable. I mean, I think I sound great. I don't have enough confidence in myself to go on American Idol or anything, but I've never had any complaints from Buster. Just don't hand me a microphone.
dance to a ballet:No, and I assume most people don't. Maybe I'm an ass for thinking that.
play piano:Ugh, no, and honestly it's one thing I wish I did as a child so that I would have SOME type of knowledge about reading and playing music.
sit through a four hour movie without getting crabby:I saw Titanic at the movie theatre twice and I think that movie was about 3 hours if not 4. Don't ask me why I saw it twice, either. Sometimes we do stupid things in our youth.
put mascara on without opening your mouth:Ok, one time Molly put eyeliner and mascara on me after getting crunked off boxed wine. Yeah, I know, we're classy individuals. Luckily we never made it out that night and I woke up with a lot of questions I wanted to ask myself.
two-step:My Mom and I used to line dance in the kitchen all the time. We even had the instructional videos. We really know how to party.
write in cursive really well:I have amazing handwriting for a guy. Actually, I think that my handwriting is counterpart to my amazing personality.
sleep all day long if given the chance:Being the corporate grunt that I am, I get up at 6:45 am every morning M-F and find it hard to sleep past 9 or 10 on weekends. But I would take anyone up on a challenge to see exactly how long I could sleep.
Do you know how to...?
use/read tarot cards:Nope and Nope. I don't understand the concept of Tarot cards. I'd rather call Cleo or Dionne Warwick.
cook a whole turkey:Hm, yes. I'm a master of all that involves cooking.
serve the ball overhand in volleyball:I haven't played volleyball in many moons, but I like to think that I could do this. It probably wouldn't land in bound, assuming it even cleared the net.
draw a lion:Is this a Napolean Dynamite reference? I'm okay with it if it is because I laugh at that stupid movie very easily. I don't know what that says about me. But do know that I'm a bad drawer.
put together a computer:Anyone that knows me knows that I'm the worst technological person EVER. I can easily do stuff on computers, but as far as hooking things up and connecting cables, eep. But can any lay man really put together a computer? I'm probably not alone.
First thing that comes to mind when you see the word...
mint:Chocolate Chip. Which I'm not crazy about, but put a bowl of it in front of me and see you later.
doctor:So many things for sooooo many reasons. Mostly good reasons but that depends on how we define the meaning of "good."
vixen:Jessica Rabbit? Watching Roger Rabbit when I was younger always gave me weird feelings. I get the same feeling when I watch Beetlejuice.
rain:Shampoo, and I can't really describe or interpret the reason why.
heart:Captain Planet. The Heart power was the worst one, and I don't even really remember what it's purpose was, but the kid had a monkey, so enough said.
thunder:I wrote a poem about thunder, and people received it well.
mall:Rant: Malls suck. Working in malls suck, too. A&F sucks the worst, their clothes suck and so do the people that work there/think that it's cool they work there. It's not. Nobody respects anyone that wears A&F clothing.
reef:Sandals. Moving on...
sponge:Sponge Bob, although I've never seen the cartoon and I know nothing about Sponge Bob other than people are crazy about it for unknown reasons.
red:I'm not a fan of red. At all. You will rarely catch me wearing it or loving it.
cage:Birds. I hate birds. You will rarely catch me loving them either.
groovy:I hate 70's shit. Except for a few good songs. That's about it.
color:Blue, Brown, Black, Gray, Teal, and Creme.
song:Right now I'm loving Goldfrapp's "Black Cherry." It's a great song to make out to if you're lucky enough to be making out with a person/whatever.
band:Electric President. Their existance is rather unknown but I'm crazy about them regardless.
movie:Under the Tuscan Sun. Not a headliner, I know, but it embodies a lot about the things I want in life.
tv show:I'm not a huge TV-watching person, but there are a lot of shows I would watch. Grey's Anatomy is sooo overly-popular and since recently, I've discovered why.
reality show:Big Brother - guilty pleasure.
book:I've never found joy in reading except for when I read Indian in the Cupboard. I couln't even tell you the number of times I read this book.
word to use:Like. It's quite possibly the easiest word to slip out a few thousand times without even noticing it.
Have you ever seen the movie...?
Reservoir Dogs:Nope
Pulp Fiction:Nope
House of Wax (original):Nope
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Pt. II:Nope
The Evil Dead:Nope
Army of Darkness:Nope
The Hills Have Eyes (original):Nope
Bride of Frankenstein:Nope
Young Frankenstein:Nope
The Haunting (original):Nope
Little Nicky:Nope
The Craft:YES and it's a great movie.
concert you went to:Janet Jackson - Velvet Rope Tour. I couldn't get anyone to buy an expensive ticket like I did so I went by MYSELF and my parents drove me and picked me up. I was really cool.
thought when waking up on a weekday:I wonder if I look cute and thin today?
thing you do when you wake up on the weekend:I don't get to "wake up" on weekdays. I'm woken up by two alarms. Waking up is a gift, which only occurs on weekends.
thing you do when you come back home from work/school:Eat. I eat every hour on the hour if not every half hour, so I guess it's not that special or dependant upon any action or time.
Have you ever heard the song...?
"Supervixen" by Garbage:No
"Stuck In The Middle With You" by Stealers Wheel:Yes
"Nemo" by Nightwish:No
"Heaven's A Lie" by Lacuna Coil:No
"Say Cheese And Die" by Dr. Acula:No
"What's Under My Bed" by the HorrorPops:No
"Good Man In A Bad Time" by Ian Hunter:No
"Funeral of Hearts" by HIM:No
"Dance D'Amour" by the 69 Eyes:No
"Whiplash" by Metallica:No
"Louder Than Hell" by Motley Crue:No
"Eat The Rich" by Motorhead:No
"Secrets" by Hammerfall:No
"Teenage Frankenstein" by Alice Cooper:No
"Die Romance" by Aiden:No
"Crosses" by ASG:No
"Attached At The Hip" by CKY:No
"Resurrection" by Calabrese:No
"Lupen Tooth" by Blitzkid:No, I've probably heard a lot of these songs, but yeah, probably couldn't name that tune or who sang it.
This or That
this or that:I usually always want that.
gold or silver:Silver. I would pawn anything Gold.
mechanical pencil or regular pencil:Mechanical. Although I couldn't even tell you the last time I used a pencil of either sort.
classic heavy metal or nu-metal:Classic. I don't know what nu-metal really is, so classic wins.
motorcycle or mustang:Motorcycles are hot.
lava lamp or black light:Neither. I don't want either. Lava lamps are rather dumb and black lights remind me of bowling or Studio, both are equally non-appealing.
spades or diamonds:Diamonds. I always have a moment of confusion when it comes to what a spade is/looks like.
uggs or converse:Hm, neither. Both are equally unattractive.
sweet or sour:Sweet, but I like Sour Patch Kids.
milk or dark chocolate:Milk chocolate. I like chocolate, sort of, but I'm not crazy enough about it to be eating dark chocolate. Dark is an acquired taste. Dark chocolate is for fat women to eat.
exercise and eat right or starve youself:Starving is soooooooooooo much easier and less expensive.
friday or saturday:Saturday requires less of me, so Saturday it is.
green or red apples:If they those two apples mated and produced offspring, I'd eat their babies.
horror movies or romantic comedies:I like both but would rather see myself falling in love rather than being killed by one of my stuffed animals.
cartoons or reality tv:Reality TV. Although Disney always holds a place in my heart.
reading or watching tv:Both put me to sleep but watching TV is so much easier, and if you didn't see a trend, I'm a fan of all that is easy.
hamburger helper or hamburger steaks:I don't know what a hamburger steak is and I feel like I don't want to. But you'll never catch me eating Hamburger Helper. I really don't even know what it is, but I know enough to not be eating it.
Are you a(n)...
air guitarist:No. Never. And it makes me uncomfortable when people are.
myspace addict:I wouldn't say addict but I check it daily, yes.
vampirefreaks addict:I don't know what that is and I think I'm better-off not knowing.
bzoink addict:No, and I don't like the spelling of this onomatopoeia.
shop-a-holic:Yeah I could easily shop for days on end. I like to spend money.
photograph-a-holic:No, and I don't really like lots of picture taking in a small amount of time.
doll collector:I hate dolls and everything they stand for.
collector of anything:Accent pillows.
Crue head:?
candle freak:No, but one or two is nice.
Do you like...?
Doo-wop music:I don't think that's a real category.
green eggs and ham:Don't even, don't even, don't even...(karate kick)
school:Sooooo glad to be done with school and all school-related activities, besides binge drinking.
learning about history:I think history is make-believe.
decorating the house for christmas:Sure.
taking surveys:No, especially when the questions aren't hard hitting, like these last few ones.
talking on the phone:No and I NEVER will.
Finish the Sentence..........
I went to the grocery store and bought...:I can't go to the store without buying a box of Oh's cereal. I have three boxes in my kitchen as we speak.
I can't see the...:Subtitles for any movie. When will cinematographers learn that small print in a weird font is impossible for us viewers who purposely don't wear glasses or contacts and are legally blind? Cater to my laziness, please.
Me llamo...:Raul.
The last concert I went to was...:American Idol Live! Yeah, it was something I just needed to see and be a part of. Check your insecurities at the door.
I haven't seen my best friend since...:I haven't seen my Galva best friend, Molly, in a while. Haven't seen my IC best friends since this last weekend, haven't seen my college best friends, Kimi and Tara, for years
I have a huge fasination with...:spelling and grammar. Fascination is spelled wrong. Bad spelling really annoys me.
My passion is...:Traveling. I love airports, I love packing, I love waking up in new places. I need to leave the country asap.
I can't live without my...:ID and debit card. I never carry cash so without it, I'm screwed.
Okay, Last Question.
What is your main goal for the new year?:To be in the best shape of my life, mentally and physically. And to be crazy-rich.


I'm going on hiatus from blogging for a bit, but I'll be back sometime. Until then, keep it real.


Things that I am Already Over in 2007

  • I'm over the Chicago Bears and/or their "fans." Specifically, girls. I have never, ever heard of so much Bears-related commotion as I have in the last few weeks. People who have no knowledge of football, the NFL, or simply the Bears have sprung up everywhere and weirdly are all doing the Superbowl Shuffle, loving orange and blue everything, wearing jerseys with last names they have never heard of/can barely pronounce, and are also updating their Facebook status to reflect that they're doing something Bears-related and LOVING it. Uh, really? Because yesterday, you didn't even know that the Bears were anywhere near Superbowl status, but because you're from "Chicago" aka Naperville, now all of a sudden you can't get enough of the Bears, and are just THRILLED that they are in the Superbowl? Shuffle all you want, poser, but I still think you suck. Hey bandwagon.
  • I'm over sideways peace signs and pouty-lipped pictures. Um, I know we live in the age of Facebook photo albums and MySpace insanity, but really...how many times can you take a picture of yourself and/or your friends doing that stupid peace sign and making that stupid face? You don't look sexy, you don't look gangster, but you do look stupid. Stop it. I'd even be happy with the end of pouty lip pictures. It's way overkill, people. Preposing pictures is not original. Take a picture of your friend grinding drunk on the dancefloor with some dumbfuck Frat ass at The Summitt, instead. I think those pictures are much more realistic and entertaining.
  • I'm over vandalism. More specifically, vandalism by drunk college idiots. Guys especially. Everytime I walk around Iowa City, signs are broken, construction sites have cones everywhere, branches are broken from trees, glass is pretty much underneath every footstep, and vomit is so nicely splattered across every street, sidewalk, and pretty much every possible surface imagineable, including the hallway in my apartment building. Sometimes I get the viewing pleasure of witnessing some jackass karate-kick a parking meter, repeatedly. As if there's a score to settle. Seriously, after the bars, just go home. Directly. Avoid eye contact with any and all meters. I agree, they have it coming sometimes, but just let it go. Save the destruction for your own personal property, such as throwing your computer out of your window. When I see the destruction of such property, I feel much better about life. I feel happy knowing that you're going to wake up in the morning (hopefully) and consequently see the aftermath of your night-out, as well as see what a complete and utter jackass you are. Maybe you'll learn something, who knows? It's a crazy world.
  • I'm over being in this mood. Better days lie ahead.