
we all reference this and joke about this. heck i even made a related quip a few posts ago.

what's really sad though is that it's true...what they say. are you eating dog? cat? who knows. to the chinese - it's typically not a big issue. waste not, want not...that's just how they role. food is food. typically there isn't an emotional connection to the animal.

unlike our own mindset where the emotional connection is huge.

but at the same time, it's a slippery slope - i get that. in the asian culture, pet ownership is not a priority. heck, child ownership is not a priority. there are tons of wild dogs and cats that serve no purpose there. so why not eat them? it gets them off the street, it makes money, and it's food.

and who doesn't love food?

well if it's puppy/kitty food--i don't love it. altho...

here in america, we eat just about every kind of animal we can get our mitts on, whether it be a cute baby calf, bambi, bunny rabbit, a harmless squirrel, or whatever animal may cross our path.

although i don't eat veal on principle (and despite the fact that i'm a country bumpkin, i've still never eaten deer, rabbit, or squirrel...mostly on principal alone) there's certainly no gross factor for many americans when it comes to hunting and eating meat in an unconventional way.

so it's with mixed review that i post this. what is it about a cat or dog that makes them off limits? the fact that they're domesticated pets? but in reality, dogs and cats can be wild creatures too, just as a rabbit could be. or perhaps a potbellied pig?

they're animals. we're animals. we're carnivores. they're dinner. it's the food chain.

but at the same time...we see dogs and cats as pets. so, again, off limits, right? it should be that way, but this is america and we really have no authenticity when it comes to culture. we do and say whatever whenever wherever because we are allowed choice and most times, the privelage to eat "normal" food that we didn't have to catch, cook, nor certainly ever see alive.

long story short - this video really makes me want to buy organic meat. free range, non-processed meat that doesn't have some sad story...well, other than the fact that the poor chicken died so that i could eat it up without blinking.


ugh, mixed emotion. but to me this just seems sick and cruel and i still don't really understand if i should let it...?

oh hell, i could never eat a dog or cat nor could i ever pretend to be okay with it.