
let me set the scene for the post below:

this morning i hopped on the bus at LAX with a dream and my cardigan. just kidding...except for the cardigan part. so, per my usual work commute, i hopped on the 146 this morning and plopped down in a seat in the very back. as the bus rolled down lake shore drive making its usual stops, the bus filled up verrrry quickly. as we neared the last stop before going express to michigan avenue, i noticed a super cute yet frail older woman get on and look around for an available seat. well, there were none due to the fact that they were mostly occupied by 20-40 yr old stupid bitches. not one bitch budged an inch as granny slowly crept down the aisle, all the while holding on for dear life as the bus barreled down lsd. granny had made it all the way to the back, passing by row after row of bitch after bitch. not one bitch even flinched. as granny climbed the couple of steps to the very back of the bus i quickly offered my seat, to which she sweetly thanked me with a look of sincere appreciation on her face.

not one of the many, many bitches on that bus even attempted to get up for this sweet old lady. not one. they were all too busy reading their kindles or holding on to one of their seven bags and purses.

stupid bitches.