
just throwing this out there: did anyone else want to punch chloe sevigny square in the face for her reaction to the guy that helped her up the stairs, and while doing so, accidentally ripped her dress when his foot got caught on one of the many yards of fabric dragging behind her?

first of all, her dress was the color of rapid butthole herpes. sorry, it was.

secondly, she reacted as if she was royalty or something. no, no, as if she was a slave owner and her slave just looked her in the eye or something equally horrific. you knowwww if she had a switch in her hand instead of a clutch she would have just whipped the shit out of his bare back for hours upon hours on end.

i mean it's chloe sevigny! an actress i can 100% confirm i've never seen act before! i don't get hbo sooo. sorry. but isn't that her one gig? i'd imdb it but i don't want to give her any search ratings.

and that god awful exasperated laugh!? did anyone else die when she pulled that shit?? my interpretation:

"ughahhhgh, he ripped my dress! HUHA HA HA HUHH HAHA."

"i still can't believe he ripped my dress! hugaa ha ha huhh haa!"

youtube it if you can. what a twat. i wish he would have accidentally stepped on her face.