
Part 2.

Assume you are a gay male. This type of shell is no different than the first. The only difference here is that I loosen the definition of the word "hot." Hot girls are usually a package deal, meaning they have a hot face and usually a hot body. In the gay world, I don't think it's the same. I believe many guys see a hot body, and sometimes a hot face to boot. But in the case of a less-than-hot face, a hot body totally trumps everything. In my opinion, gay men are, more times than not, completely (and sometimes solely) attracted by the a vision of chiseled physique. And sometimes nothing more than that. The more muscle, the more BULK, the more beef, the better quality guy, right?

Duh, you idiot. Not even close.

Disclaimer: there's nothing wrong with being in shape. There's nothing wrong with working out, eating right, and being fit. BUT, I would argue that plenty of gay males do not prioritize a healthy lifestyle over filling out a size-too-small tshirt. Gay men equate having big arms, pecs, and a six-pack with being a rare catch.

How wrong you are. That theory doesn't define a person, it defines you and your shallow interests.

So, you see a "hot" guy in a coffee shop, with at least one article of clothing being from Abercrombie or Diesel, his laptop nicely set out in front of him, his tshirt accentuating his six-days-a-week, creatine-built gym body. You don't really notice his face because you're too busy checking out his shell. And that's the way it works for him. His face is less than attractive but wow, that body makes up for it, right?

He's a shell, too. In some way, he's selling his body. He's bulking it up, working it out, keeping his i's dotted and his t's crossed. If he doesn't have that killer body, gay eyes will travel to the next guy at the coffee shop/bar/sidewalk who does. After all, muscle mass = good guy.

Hmm, so you go up to the guy at the coffee shop, distracting him from his Craigslist posting, awkward, and ask him out on a date. Yessss...before you know it, that muscle god will be ALL yours. Oh the flesh. Oh the possibilities.

Oh the shit what was I thinking?...

He's a shell. *Hindsight* You find out that he likes to talk about himself a lot. He also likes to go to the bars, a lot. His interests are working out and going out. You come to find out he has 1,367 Facebook friends, and weirdly, 987 tagged photos (983 of them being shirtless). His voice is about 8 octaves above where you thought it would be. You come to find out his world revolves around Old Navy flip flops, ripoff D&G sunglasses (tell-tale sign), and porn stars. Sometimes he wears a rosary as a necklace and sometimes he does pushups right before he puts on that XS American Apparel T. His teeth are freakishly white, and you know it's not because he has good hygiene. His waist size is a Diesel 28 and he benches 265. He doesn't eat ice cream either, so don't even offer up dessert. And no, he can't go to the movie tomorrow because he'll inevitably be at the gym. Why does he keep sniffing and scratching at his nose? Must have caught a cold at the gym.


Throughout the whole date, you feel small in comparison to this person. Physically. You like emasculation? You're getting a proverbial buttload of it. And trust me, he has noticed the size difference, too. Power role: he wins. You always lose, unless you hire a personal trainer with a magic wand.

He's a complete shell. Everything is on the outside, all of his organs are tightly in place thanks to that shell of his. That's it, show is over. He works out six days a week because that's his saving grace, the undeniable fact that he can lift heavy weights, build endless muscle, and be regarded as hot as hell...all just by exercising. It's something that ANYONE can do. But to a shell, it's what they're selling as something that's inherently them. It's who they are. They are a beautiful body, and you should be lucky that they'd date someone like yourself. For now.

But sometimes they are only a beautiful body. They only have a body to offer you. At some point, that body will not make you laugh. His muscle will not console your insecurities, but heighten them. His large frame will not keep you company when you're bored; he's at or under a bar. His benchpress won't make for good conversation anymore. His protein shake recipes won't make for a good dinner. You get my drift.

What you may find out is that he's currently unemployed, he picks his nose at night, chews protein bars with his mouth open, and his apartment smells like a chicken farm on a hot, humid day. Surely a chicken died somewhere. Cute.

You're lusting after a shell. Stop it. Dig deeper, expect more. There is more to life and love than a trophy image. Much, much more. Anyone can have a great, attractive body, it's not a defining characteristic of a good guy. ANYONE CAN HAVE A HOT BODY.

Unless you're in a vegetative state.