
Weird. I've received three emails from three different people whom pondered, why do you write (!) all the time and what does it mean?

Well, readers, I will explain myself. I'm pretty sure this is an original idea. T-shirts and copyrights are pending, so don't even:

(!) to me, means "freaking out on the inside"

...like, you know, when a "holy crap I'm freaking the F out" event happens in my life or an "Oh, snap!" idea or thought suddenly occurs, I like to extensively freak out on the inside, while playing it super cool on the outside. And I always play it real cool. I'm quite possibly the coolest person you will or will never meet.

But, to externally express my internal freak outs via my blog, I denote such freakings as


while in my mind I'm thinking


and on the outside i'm just like hohumhohumhohumhohumhohum

get the pic?