
are you watching the republican primary debates?

before i begin, let me make one thing clear; i'm not anti-republican.

i'm anti-stupid people.

considering such, is it just me or does the entire line-up of republican nominees consist of undeniable morons?

wait, wait...i take that back. i misspoke. there is actually one non-moron up there.

john huntsman.

but, isn't it strangely ironic and mostly humorous that he is probably the least popular among republican voters?

wait, he's not even at most of the debates. is he still running? if not - smart move.

oh, and cain, unlike the rest, did catch my eye a time or two although merely for the fact that he offered an actual plan.

a catchy plan with a catchy a name. too catchy, though. too eerily similar to pizza hut's 5-5-5 deal.

and the kicker to me is that even pizza hut's 5-5-5 deal made no sense. unless i missed something, i believe the hook was you can order up to 5 pizzas of any size, with up to 5 ingredients on them for $5 each? is that right?

seemingly amazing, but wait one second. why did size matter? what normal person would opt for a small pizza rather than a large, if they all cost the same? if i'm screwing that up, my apologies, but to my defense who can follow the details during a 30 second clip of rolling pepperonis and gooey cheese stretching across the screen?

i digress.

so, what if cain became the president of the united states?

could you imagine?

could you imagine any of these people being the POTUS?