
i decided today that i'm going to make a list of things i want to do before i'm 30.

and do them.

that means i have less than a year to rock my world.

the first thing i want to do is get the nerve to cancel my cable - it's pointless.

1) i barely watch cable tv. everything i do watch is on a free network.
2) similar to point 1, cable shows suck and i have no interest. i had a limited interest in the real housewives but i'm burned out on that. it's all sooo painfully mind-numbing and unoriginal.
3) i love books and support them. i do not support kindles or any other electronic book things. they're gross, in my opinion. geez.

at the same time, i'm going to stop buying random things for my house and, instead, start investing in books. SO, by the time i'm 30, i want to have a library in my house of great books i've read and have yet to read.

i also want to go into this creepy ass bookstore and buy a bunch of books on the cheap, read them, and see if they merited said cheapness.

a book doesn't have to be a NYT bestseller on a shiny table inside of borders in order to be deemed a quality read.

but...back to the whole cable cancelling idear...that will be the major challenge.

wish me luck.