

i don't claim to be fashionable. most days i wear jeans, tshirts, and cardigans. major staples in my life. i have more to offer than just buying clothes and hoping they impress someone. plus, it's the man that makes the clothes, not the other way around. or so you'll find out. too many of you think that by dressing all kooky you're gonna go somewhere in life. good luck with that.

i only use oversized spoons. regular sized spoons just aren't big enough in accomplishing the beautiful art of shoveling.

i'm often perceived to be bitchy, judgemental, critical, narcissistic, an elitist...when in fact i'm none of the above, really. do i make judgements? sure. we all do. but is any of it hurtful, blind, or caustic? no. in all actuality, i've never met someone who didn't like me on some human level. i'm very friendly, i can talk to anyone, and i have very few enemies, if any. don't assume that just because i express my opinion, frequently, that i will have an opinion on you. i'm sure you're cool. it's all cool, don't worry.

i think about taco bell almost every.single.day yet i haven't eaten there in almost 3 years. yes, i know the exact date of my last visit.

i feel like i have a lot to offer. anyone that doesn't realize that doesn't deserve any portion of it. i know i often write as if i'm hurt and jaded, but again, i'm not. i just wear my heart on my sleeve and am vurry sensitive.

i've completely embraced using/wearing a snuggie.

the way i write on this blog is completely unpretentious. yes, i write for a living. people (non-related) believe me to be a decent writer, on some level, and pay me an annual salary to do such. however, writing professionally and writing a blog are two different adventures. here i like to be myself. i like to write shorthand. i keep things choppy and non-sentencey. i make up words and i almost never use big words. respectable grammar is not on the agenda. if anything, this blog is merely a stream of consciousness/outpouring of bullshit. i almost never talk about this blog in the 3d world because often i feel people will come here, look at this dog-and-pony show, and then get all huffy when they don't understand or appreciate what i do. it's not serious yall. "he calls himself a writer?!" yes, i am a writer. and some day i'll write a book and laugh the entire way to the bank.

i don't drink pop. i don't drink coffee. i don't like red bull. my only source of caffeine comes from a minute, daily intake of green tea. but, i'm freakishly concerned that drinking green tea will in turn make my teeth green. i'm equally freakish about maintaining white teeth. what's a worry wart to do?

if you follow me anywhere or know me in real life...you've noticed that i change my mind on an hour if not millisecond basis. i'm in then i'm out. up and down. hot and cold. yes and no. you get it. don't hate. relate. i'm over it, are you? now let's be under it.
