
um, when did the brinks home security commercials become so scary that they actually freak me out a little? i feel like i've seen a few brinks commershes that were borderline scary, sort-of creepyish but holy eff i just watched a new commercial and it had me hiding under the bed!

so, the scene: some chick is saying goodbye to some friends that were leaving her random house party...they seem to be the last to leave but then this guy walks out behind them and the girl is like, "oh hey, it was nice to meet you aj" and he's like "yeah!" flashes her an awkward, cutesy smile, he blushes, she blushes, and her friends are giving her faces like "omg he's so cute! who is he? can we fuck him?!" and she gives them a face back being like "i have no idea who this random guy is but he's so h.o.t!! i wish i wasn't on my period or i'd totally fuck him!"...

so she goes back inside, locks the door, blows out some candles, and for a second you get a glimpse of something rustling outside in the bushes. (hair on my neck stands up) however the girl didn't see it because she was too busy picking up after her lame-looking party, but us viewers saw something suspicious! so the girl is cleaning out what is presumably a salsa bowl at the kitchen sink when all of a sudden she looks out this side glass door, see's aj and is probably thinking in her head "game on!" but not so fast...aj's face isn't cute anymore...it's evil! ahhh, evil aj!

ahhhh! she screams, i scream...

aj breaks the glass door and takes a step in, all hell breaks loose, shrieks are shrieked from everywhere and the brinks system is waling in the background. aj skiddaddles. the girl hurdles her bed to answer the phone. brinks is on the other end informing her that their computer system detected a break-in (the operator of course looking like he works somewhere really cool and high-tech when you know they outsource that shit to india), he asks is she okay, she says yeah but no, yada yada the police come and the girl is rest assured that her brinks home security system saved her life blah blah.

uhhh, hello! this was some serious stuff to happen all in 30 seconds! it had me on the edge of my seat. when i saw aj's once-cute face go all evil i literally jumped! i didn't expect that! if anything i thought he was going to come back and save her or something. nope, he wanted her DEAD!

oh and did you know brinks security is now "broadview security"....uh marketing mistake! brinks is a much cooler word, duh idiots.

OMG SPEAKING OF IDIOTS - i'm an idiot because i just googled the brinks commercial and it is of course on youtube. i should have known that before typing out the transcript! dammit! oh well, enjoy it for yourself!

i think this is the most exclamation points i have used in a post! ever!