
things you should know about facebook:

song lyrics are fine and whatnot...but c'mon people, they're not necessarily that brilliant. stop facebooking them.

you all love lady gaga. loud and clear. no need to plaster every gaga vid clip known to mankind on your FSU (facebook status update).

if you FSU that you're tired...you're obviously not tired enough to log off of the book. hate it.

don't wear your heart on your FSU. you know you'll only regret it later when no one comments on your plea for attention. see: tmi.

put.your headshot.away.

i've always had a hate/somewhat love relationship with facebook...but i'm going to buy an actual address book and write down the worthy-addys in it...i want to take things old school, enough of this "the next time you're in town we're definitely hanging out!" because we all know facebook promises are as shallow as all-things-shallow i.e. kiddie pools, rain puddles, etc. you get the point.

reading la-based facebook profiles is like heaven. yes, you are all incredibly talented actors and models...and you have an unending amount of professional/scandalous pictures to prove it! you guys love yourselves a lot. (too far? my apologies in advance but you know it's kind of true!)

people will soon be losing more jobs due to facebook. it's almost inevitable. we thought craigslist was bad but woah...tagged pictures? the worst.

right now my facebook is just a jumbled mess of information. i don't know what the difference is between "view newsfeed" and "live news feed" is...all i know is that i want less status updates and "blank is now friends with blank" and i want more life-shattering pictures.

i think that if you decide to post "blank is in a relationship"...or even better "blank is in a relationship with blank"...that you MUST be forced to publicly post when "blank is single." if you're going to take it there on facebook, you should be forced to mix the good times with the bad!

i love relationship status messages. live and breathe for them.

k bye.