
there comes a time in life where we stop thinking about ourselves. it's not pretty, it's not easy...but it's critical. there comes a time when you are in a position to help others. a position to influence and advise, both lead and stand by.

i've done that for you.

i've paved a path for you. through friendship, through struggle, through being there when you needed it the most. i've been there. i've grown close to you and to your family. i've worried about you, i've visited you, and i've done everything i could to ensure our bond.

but i'm done.

i have fulfilled my end of this relationship. you have not. i know you're not in the position to be a friend right now. and that's disheartening and that's exactly why things are the way they are. but my sadness only stretches so far - to a cold, indifferent place - and then it stops. it stops just short of enabling you. feeding you my sympathy or concern. you deserve neither. i've offered you both to no avail. your oblivion is self-determined, and that i cannot stand by. you are where you are and you are who you are...because of you. because of the decisions you make every single day.

i don't even know you anymore. i really don't. you aren't the same person you used to be.

you're beyond my help. you're beyond me. and that's where our relationship ends.

it's time to realize what you have, and what you can do to make things right. look at your life. are you happy? genuinely happy?

you aren't. and if you say you are, then it only confirms my worst fears.

i hate that it has to be this way. like it's a choice. it isn't. so don't blame it on me.

blame it on yourself.