

people get such a boner about having this as their status:

airport ----> airport

why? i'll never figure it out.

is it similar to 'i'm on a boat.'

'i'm in an aiport.'

uh, cool.

have a safe flight.



why are people so outraged about the pat-downs/ups at the airport?

it's for security, not jollies i.e. get over yourself.

you're in a flying piece of metal, thousands of miles up in the clouds, did i mention you were FLYING?, with nothing between you and inevitable death should the plane stop flying because of the bomb or evil purposes of some passenger who masterminded the metal detector and got on board with YOU.

everybody gets a pat down/up/all-around. let it happen. quit freaking out. just deal with it. it's for your own good.

don't eff with my security and/or life.

there are too many crazy people in this world.


it must be insanely hard to be a hipster. all of the time, energy, money, and thought it takes to create such a look - to me - must be exhaustive.

i will never second guess my "classic, every day" style of clothing. it keeps me on time and debt free.

jeans and tshirt kinda guy. and i'm not mad at a solid cardigan either.


apparently i shop for groceries in doubles:

double english muffins,
double humus
double milk
double ketchup (duh)
double turkey dogs
and double eggs

but i'm real pissed about the egg situation. i already had eggs but recently acquired a coupon for a carton of FREE eggs. jackpot. so i went to the store and picked up a carton (because you don't look a gift horse in the mouth) ((what a weird expression)) only to checkout without even thinking about using that coupon. it just stayed in my pocket, nice and snug, without saying a word while i swiped that debit.

so now i have 24 eggs, all of which were non-free.


what's in your fridge?
my newest musical interest - the xx

they make me chuckle with their serious, artsty-fartsy approach to layin beats, but its good nonetheless.

always had this group on my radar/in the back of my head, but they recently resurfaced mid-workday while i was listening to sirius xm chill, one of my favorite sirius satellite stations, next to bpm that is.

enjoy. and chill out.


shocking and really weird:

"gay tea party group defends willow palin's anti-gay slur"

saying that lots of gay men use this word, but when a republican woman uses it (at free will and in a derogatory manner) then it becomes a "slur."

and the main reason this is getting so much reaction is because people are out to get sarah palin.

is this real life?

it's always a slur, just as much as the n-word will always be a slur, no matter who uses it. and i don't want to hear anyone use it.

what willow palin said is inexcusable - republican, democrat, or non-voter.

with or without sarah palin.

it's a slur.


i have two kinds of nights:

nights when buster sleeps in his dog bed;
nights when buster sleeps in my bed.

i always prefer the former but sometimes the latter becomes necessary:

i.e., during the nights when buster sleeps in his dog bed, i sometimes get an irrational fear that an evil spirit is going to grab me by the ankle and pull me across the house, as seen in paranormal activity.

i really do not want that to happen.

therefore, i feel strongly that if buster sleeps in my bed, his ferocious don't F with me when i'm trying to sleep attitude will ward off said spirits.

however, most times, i'm not afraid of anything and prefer to sleep alone - only when i'm alone can i sleep in my preferred semi-diagonal sleeping position and then, inevitably, change sleeping positions nearly 3k times until morning.

however, if buster is in bed with me (or anyone else for that matter) my diagonal sleeping preference is thrown out the window and my tossing-and-turning preference is greatly subdued.

so i guess my story is two-fold:

1. evil spirts cramp my style
2. i will probably never marry and/or no one would willingly marry me after reading this blog post.