happy cold & flu season!
hey peeps. for those of you whom probably didn't even notice...i'm off twitter! bored with it. i felt obliged to tweet and that took all of the fun out of it. the trending topics weren't informative anymore, peeps were tweeting too much dumb stuff...the celebs i was following just started to annoy me. blech.
over it.
but my baby (this blog) is completely golden. i've been on here too many years and have relied on this format for so long, i could never part with it. even if it was a private site and no one read my thoughts...i'd still be here just about every day...writing it out of my system.
looking at the clock it's almost thanksgiving! happy turkey day to all of you. i'm traveling to indianapolis tomorrow to celebrate and be thankful for all of life's blessings with my family and friends in the great hoosier state.
i plan to be inebriated the entire time. you know how it goes.
expect vids and pics to follow soon.
over it.
but my baby (this blog) is completely golden. i've been on here too many years and have relied on this format for so long, i could never part with it. even if it was a private site and no one read my thoughts...i'd still be here just about every day...writing it out of my system.
looking at the clock it's almost thanksgiving! happy turkey day to all of you. i'm traveling to indianapolis tomorrow to celebrate and be thankful for all of life's blessings with my family and friends in the great hoosier state.
i plan to be inebriated the entire time. you know how it goes.
expect vids and pics to follow soon.
just wanted to take five seconds to thank you guys for reading this blog. truly. i have the best readers. some of you send me the best emails, too, and they honestly make my day sometimes. thank you, thank you for that. seriously, thank you. attaching an emale address to this blog was the best thing i've ever done for the site...hearing your guys' thoughts as well as your own stories and ideas is an amazing thing and i think it's awesome that you trust me enough to share pieces of your own life with me.
you guys are the best.
i mean it.
you guys are the best.
i mean it.
okay so, adam lambert...
i didn't watch idol last season. i thought it was stupid. i usually give it my undivided attention but i didn't feel particularly impressed or connected to any contestant. especially lambo.
so here's what i have to say: he's already annoying me. i think my annoyance originated from the Details magazine he was recently featured on/in. the whole article was pretty self-absorbed and all of the photo shots were of him basically being breastfed by a woman. i guess that kept the straight subscribers from cancelling their subscription. it was weird.
i pretty much hated it. and i can't escape how horrible he looks with all of that make-up. guyliner? fine, it's been done a thousand times before, it doesn't affect me. but the foundation?
and i didn't watch the ama's last night...because i never have before and would never have remembered that they were even on...but i saw a video this morning on cnn about lambo's performance where it was him gyrating and making out with people.
you loser. britney has already done all that. and WOAH, did you see him kiss the keyboardist? it was hard, rough, and out of control. it looked like they smashed teeth bc lambo planted it so hard on his face.
it looked awful.
it's all pretty awful.
haters back off.
i didn't watch idol last season. i thought it was stupid. i usually give it my undivided attention but i didn't feel particularly impressed or connected to any contestant. especially lambo.
so here's what i have to say: he's already annoying me. i think my annoyance originated from the Details magazine he was recently featured on/in. the whole article was pretty self-absorbed and all of the photo shots were of him basically being breastfed by a woman. i guess that kept the straight subscribers from cancelling their subscription. it was weird.
i pretty much hated it. and i can't escape how horrible he looks with all of that make-up. guyliner? fine, it's been done a thousand times before, it doesn't affect me. but the foundation?
and i didn't watch the ama's last night...because i never have before and would never have remembered that they were even on...but i saw a video this morning on cnn about lambo's performance where it was him gyrating and making out with people.
you loser. britney has already done all that. and WOAH, did you see him kiss the keyboardist? it was hard, rough, and out of control. it looked like they smashed teeth bc lambo planted it so hard on his face.
it looked awful.
it's all pretty awful.
haters back off.

dear gap,
i can see that you're doing your very best to persuade everyone and their mother that buying that ever-trendy flannel shirt this christmas season is a great idea. apparently, it's a must have! even though most of us realize that the flannel shirt trend has gone 45 miles beyond its trendville destination and, instead, merged onto the poserland exit where it got a flat tire and has been stuck on the side of the road waiting for triple A ever since.
we all get it: you're loving that red, black/navy plaid pattern something serious and wow do you love all things worn while moose hunting.
loud and clear.
but, i'm going to have to burst your winter fashion bubble by saying:
all of 'em. including the flannel.
everyone knows it, too...except you apparently. here, let me hold your hand while i explain this ever so delicately:
yes, your apparel looks semi-decent from afar, and yes, your sylists do a super job of making your models look extra hip in their clothes within the print ads. so flattering, right? no. we all know it's a mirage. it's all a series of strategic posturing - tucking tails in, clipping the excess back ever so snuggly. and we all know your print ads are achieved by simply not moving. you move, boom. everything is untucked and going all to hell. so what about me? i move! therefore no amount of smoke and mirrors will ever trick me into buying your product. ever. i couldn't even tell you the number of gaps i've walked into, throughout my lifetime, thinking that maybe, just maybe your clothes might finally fit the average male body, but nooooo - i walk out of your store empty-handed every.single.time.
you wanna know why? it's called a dressing room.
who would of thought?! oops. once in said dressing room...all bets are off. you've got to be kidding me. putting it nicely, if i were born of cardboard nature and later assembled into a six-sided cube for shipping and packaging purposes, then and only then would your clothes fit.
it's almost sad.
for those of us without a box shaped body, your clothes just won't fit anywhere even remotely close to spawn such a notion of, yes! buy me! i'm worth it!
not even close.
and no amount of shameless marketing could ever convince me that my broad shoulders and size 30 waist will ever be appreciated or find a flattering angle to the naked eye. and in the real world, that's what it really comes down to.
get real and hire a tailor. they could do wonders for your company.
you're welcome in advance.
i seriously had a couple things to bitch about today but i think my major bitch points have been lost in my hairspace. (that's a quote from the ever-hilarious anna nicole smith skyscraper movie outtakes.
but here's something that's always on my mind...whether i like it or not:
the press is out of control for the new moon. now, you know i loved twilight. but lets also keep in mind that i saw it for the first time...barely 3 weeks ago. chances are i may or may not see new moon under the same kind of time scenario. things of this nature just don't dominate my priority list.
and, girls of the world, reassess what it is that makes you happy and zest for life. if it has anything to do with vampires, team edward, or team jacob...you need to reassess. you need to regroup. and you need to act normal for five seconds.
stop being freaks.
thank you!
but here's something that's always on my mind...whether i like it or not:
the press is out of control for the new moon. now, you know i loved twilight. but lets also keep in mind that i saw it for the first time...barely 3 weeks ago. chances are i may or may not see new moon under the same kind of time scenario. things of this nature just don't dominate my priority list.
and, girls of the world, reassess what it is that makes you happy and zest for life. if it has anything to do with vampires, team edward, or team jacob...you need to reassess. you need to regroup. and you need to act normal for five seconds.
stop being freaks.
thank you!
my realtor just sent me an email...
"Hi Ryan!
I see that you keep looking at properties from time to time and I would kindly ask that you let me know what your intentions are, if you are just casually looking and that is of course fine, please keep doing so."
a) shut up
b) myob
c) i don't like your tone
and d) have you ever heard of a run-on sentence? guilty as charged.
"Hi Ryan!
I see that you keep looking at properties from time to time and I would kindly ask that you let me know what your intentions are, if you are just casually looking and that is of course fine, please keep doing so."
a) shut up
b) myob
c) i don't like your tone
and d) have you ever heard of a run-on sentence? guilty as charged.
some people view me as hotheaded, angsty, unhappy, mean, whatever...
but none of it is true. you can't read someone's blog and think that it's a complete tell-all of who that person really is inside.
or maybe you can?
but not so much with me. i'm probably one of the least confrontational people in existence. i don't get in people's faces, i don't yell, i don't overreact (although once i was thrown out of a best buy because i said 'bullshit' at the customer service counter. in my defense, what happened was bullshit but they viewed it as unnecessary hostility. whatevs).
typically i'm very calm, real chill, and mostly happy-go-lucky.
but, i also stick it to "the man" whomever it may be. i don't rest on my laurels...whatever laurels are. i'm just saying that line because it fits.
i'll vent on my blog, i'll converse with conviction, i'll write you with dismay and a need for justice. i'll stand up for myself.
i've written countless authority figures i.e. the government, city councils, the police, better business bureau, landlords, corporate companies, and sole individuals to make them aware of an issue as well as request resolution. and i have a great success rate. i've done this for both myself and for my friends many-a-time.
it's how the world should work. you want something, you need justice...formally request it. you have beef?...write it out clearly and succinctly. it's how i cope and it's how i resolve. peacefully, without tone, and spelling it out word for word without involving unnecessary emotion.
but last night i went too far. i had a dream that was interlaced with reality. in this dream i was SO pissed off at the people who work in my apartment building i.e. the maintenance people, the front door people, and some of the residents in my building. i was FUMING mad at the front door people, which i am in real life, and cussed them out something serious. the maintenance people had done me wrong, which happened in real life too, and i had a horrible shouting match with them as well...to which they screamed back at me. that led me to involve the building board committee, to which i sat there and screamed into a microphone about all the things i was upset about. and when i mentioned that this scenario involved other building residents...it's because i spanked someone's kid! oops. the child was pounding on my door as a joke and wouldn't stop doing it, so i took matters into my own hand.
okay ryan, you've gone too far. while i fully believe in "swatting your butt" as an appropriate means of discipline in a child's youth...i've taken it too far when i'm swatting others people's children. my bad.
it was all so weird. in fact, it was so intense i actually woke myself up from screaming "what do you mean you don't have a list of everyone that works here? i want a first and last name of each employee!
and with conviction! i'm not sure where this rage came from, but it's lurking...somewhere.
i need to write a letter to these people to deal with these demons nicely. i've wanted to for the longest time and i have yet to, but this dream has made it very clear that it's about that time...
but none of it is true. you can't read someone's blog and think that it's a complete tell-all of who that person really is inside.
or maybe you can?
but not so much with me. i'm probably one of the least confrontational people in existence. i don't get in people's faces, i don't yell, i don't overreact (although once i was thrown out of a best buy because i said 'bullshit' at the customer service counter. in my defense, what happened was bullshit but they viewed it as unnecessary hostility. whatevs).
typically i'm very calm, real chill, and mostly happy-go-lucky.
but, i also stick it to "the man" whomever it may be. i don't rest on my laurels...whatever laurels are. i'm just saying that line because it fits.
i'll vent on my blog, i'll converse with conviction, i'll write you with dismay and a need for justice. i'll stand up for myself.
i've written countless authority figures i.e. the government, city councils, the police, better business bureau, landlords, corporate companies, and sole individuals to make them aware of an issue as well as request resolution. and i have a great success rate. i've done this for both myself and for my friends many-a-time.
it's how the world should work. you want something, you need justice...formally request it. you have beef?...write it out clearly and succinctly. it's how i cope and it's how i resolve. peacefully, without tone, and spelling it out word for word without involving unnecessary emotion.
but last night i went too far. i had a dream that was interlaced with reality. in this dream i was SO pissed off at the people who work in my apartment building i.e. the maintenance people, the front door people, and some of the residents in my building. i was FUMING mad at the front door people, which i am in real life, and cussed them out something serious. the maintenance people had done me wrong, which happened in real life too, and i had a horrible shouting match with them as well...to which they screamed back at me. that led me to involve the building board committee, to which i sat there and screamed into a microphone about all the things i was upset about. and when i mentioned that this scenario involved other building residents...it's because i spanked someone's kid! oops. the child was pounding on my door as a joke and wouldn't stop doing it, so i took matters into my own hand.
okay ryan, you've gone too far. while i fully believe in "swatting your butt" as an appropriate means of discipline in a child's youth...i've taken it too far when i'm swatting others people's children. my bad.
it was all so weird. in fact, it was so intense i actually woke myself up from screaming "what do you mean you don't have a list of everyone that works here? i want a first and last name of each employee!
and with conviction! i'm not sure where this rage came from, but it's lurking...somewhere.
i need to write a letter to these people to deal with these demons nicely. i've wanted to for the longest time and i have yet to, but this dream has made it very clear that it's about that time...
i'm going through facebook frustrations again. whether its the tmi status updates or the constant barrage of the news feed...it's all so much to take in. plus i feel like my facebook homepage is so scrambled. i don't know what the difference between a newsfeed and a live feed is? all the crap in my sidebar is stupid and mostly unnecessary. peeps posting survey results and game results and asking me to buy a pig or something from someone's farm...
someone at facebook needs to be fired. it's a huge mess right now. less is more. the design is so flawed.
anyone have any decluttering advice for me? i just want to know when peeps post pictures and i of course love reading when people go from "single" to "in a relationship"...that's some good juice.
someone at facebook needs to be fired. it's a huge mess right now. less is more. the design is so flawed.
anyone have any decluttering advice for me? i just want to know when peeps post pictures and i of course love reading when people go from "single" to "in a relationship"...that's some good juice.
over the weekend, sometimes i can't take a sec to sit at my computer and log into my blog to relinquish the demons and share my joys, soooo... i'll do it now while i have the chance:
friday the 13th was a weird day for me. it's supposed to be, i know, but it usually isn't because i don't care about things like that. i do care about rest though. i took the day off from work because i needed a day to myself. no schedule, no priorities, no nothing...
i went for a walk just before noon that day. i take a walk just about every chance i get. my walking course charted, a nice mixture of city and residential. the rhythmic melodies pouring from my earbuds keep my mood light and my mind open. i tell people that i like to zone out during my walks while i'm listening to music. that statement is entirely literal, too. i somehow go miles without realizing it.
but, on friday some weird things happened. as i walked out of my building a friend bbm'ed me to wish me a happy 13th. oh..yeah...i guess it is friday the 13th. who cares?
again, not me.
but, stuff started happening. weird stuff. for starters, i was almost hit by 3 different cars in a time lapse of 1.5 hours. what are the odds? one was coming out of an alley entirely too fast, another was making a right turn on red and apparently didn't see pedestrians crossing directly in his peripherial vision, and the other rolled through a 4 way stop. where are the police? anyway, each time i was directly in front of the vehicle upon our collision...i braced for death - my heart stopped, my arms and hands formed a protective shield in front of me, my brain sent out the message to my body's nerve endings to prepare for blunt force trauma. this is it.
each time i lived though. glad your brakes were working.
the alley incident was the worse. it was the most unexpected. whenever i cross a street or intersection, i always have some sense of fear that a car will coming barreling down the road like a bat-out-of-hell and make a brunette hood ornament out of me, so i'm always aware, alert, and cautious when crossing...but the alley incident took me by complete surprise. it was practically the scene straight out of home alone. i'm completely zoned, oblivious, unaware while this van comes shooting out of an alley between store buildings. my timing was impeccable - oh, hey fast moving van that isn't stopping. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! the driver slammed on his breaks just as the grill neared my chest. like a deer in headlights i just stared at the driver in shock. as soon as my brain processed that i had survived this near head-on collision, emotion took over and i mouthed "YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER. SHIT!"
i only mouthed it because, obviously, there was a windshield between us and my earbuds were kind of loud so i couldn't hear myself speak anyway. regardless, the driver got the drift and, while grasping the steering wheel, lifted is fingers off the wheel and pointed them straight up if as to communicate "ok, i get it, my bad, peace be with you, lets both move along now"...or something to that extent.
whatever. i could have died because you were in a hurry and apparently are too old to recall anything you learned during drivers education concerning safe driving in alleys. i just glared and continued on in a noticeable huff.
3 times people...almost hit by 3 cars. what the bleep.
something else weird happened. i was walking up broadway street when i noticed this old, hunchy-looking woman hobbling down the street toward me. all things pointed wrong with this one. first of all, she was wearing a cloak.
a cloak.
it was a dingy, brown cloak that looked straight out of robin hood or something else medieval and old. and what's weirder is that, from what i could see of her face since the hood of the cloak was up and drooped over her head...was that she had black dreads. surely it was a wig but still...old, white woman...black dreads. not something you see every day.
she looked up at me as we drew closer. upon seeing me, the old lady made a face i will never forget. it was like she was trying to scare me. she walked directly into my path, too, as if she wanted us to play chicken. it was that face though...it was so scary. i would really like to show you the face she was making but i would never photograph myself looking so ugly and weird and let such a thing be accessible on the world wide web. but just know the face she was making was super ugly, her teeth were super not straight or white or...all there. think of popeye's signature face minus the pipe but plus wiry, oily black dreads everywhere. and wearing a cloak.
again, a cloak.
so, crazy lady...cloak, hunchback, and dreads...coming at me making a horrible face and trying to scare me. what does one do in such a situation?
i sidestepped her (clearly losing the game of chicken) and tried my best not to look at her. making eye contact would have scarred me (and scared me) and i don't need visions like that forever squatting in my subconscious.
after sidestepping the situation i walked really fast to gain ground between us. i never looked back, i had already seen too much.
were these events related to friday the 13th? probably not...it's just a normal day in a big city. but the timing for freaktastic events such as these were spot on.
you win, calendar.
friday the 13th was a weird day for me. it's supposed to be, i know, but it usually isn't because i don't care about things like that. i do care about rest though. i took the day off from work because i needed a day to myself. no schedule, no priorities, no nothing...
i went for a walk just before noon that day. i take a walk just about every chance i get. my walking course charted, a nice mixture of city and residential. the rhythmic melodies pouring from my earbuds keep my mood light and my mind open. i tell people that i like to zone out during my walks while i'm listening to music. that statement is entirely literal, too. i somehow go miles without realizing it.
but, on friday some weird things happened. as i walked out of my building a friend bbm'ed me to wish me a happy 13th. oh..yeah...i guess it is friday the 13th. who cares?
again, not me.
but, stuff started happening. weird stuff. for starters, i was almost hit by 3 different cars in a time lapse of 1.5 hours. what are the odds? one was coming out of an alley entirely too fast, another was making a right turn on red and apparently didn't see pedestrians crossing directly in his peripherial vision, and the other rolled through a 4 way stop. where are the police? anyway, each time i was directly in front of the vehicle upon our collision...i braced for death - my heart stopped, my arms and hands formed a protective shield in front of me, my brain sent out the message to my body's nerve endings to prepare for blunt force trauma. this is it.
each time i lived though. glad your brakes were working.
the alley incident was the worse. it was the most unexpected. whenever i cross a street or intersection, i always have some sense of fear that a car will coming barreling down the road like a bat-out-of-hell and make a brunette hood ornament out of me, so i'm always aware, alert, and cautious when crossing...but the alley incident took me by complete surprise. it was practically the scene straight out of home alone. i'm completely zoned, oblivious, unaware while this van comes shooting out of an alley between store buildings. my timing was impeccable - oh, hey fast moving van that isn't stopping. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! the driver slammed on his breaks just as the grill neared my chest. like a deer in headlights i just stared at the driver in shock. as soon as my brain processed that i had survived this near head-on collision, emotion took over and i mouthed "YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER. SHIT!"
i only mouthed it because, obviously, there was a windshield between us and my earbuds were kind of loud so i couldn't hear myself speak anyway. regardless, the driver got the drift and, while grasping the steering wheel, lifted is fingers off the wheel and pointed them straight up if as to communicate "ok, i get it, my bad, peace be with you, lets both move along now"...or something to that extent.
whatever. i could have died because you were in a hurry and apparently are too old to recall anything you learned during drivers education concerning safe driving in alleys. i just glared and continued on in a noticeable huff.
3 times people...almost hit by 3 cars. what the bleep.
something else weird happened. i was walking up broadway street when i noticed this old, hunchy-looking woman hobbling down the street toward me. all things pointed wrong with this one. first of all, she was wearing a cloak.
a cloak.
it was a dingy, brown cloak that looked straight out of robin hood or something else medieval and old. and what's weirder is that, from what i could see of her face since the hood of the cloak was up and drooped over her head...was that she had black dreads. surely it was a wig but still...old, white woman...black dreads. not something you see every day.
she looked up at me as we drew closer. upon seeing me, the old lady made a face i will never forget. it was like she was trying to scare me. she walked directly into my path, too, as if she wanted us to play chicken. it was that face though...it was so scary. i would really like to show you the face she was making but i would never photograph myself looking so ugly and weird and let such a thing be accessible on the world wide web. but just know the face she was making was super ugly, her teeth were super not straight or white or...all there. think of popeye's signature face minus the pipe but plus wiry, oily black dreads everywhere. and wearing a cloak.
again, a cloak.
so, crazy lady...cloak, hunchback, and dreads...coming at me making a horrible face and trying to scare me. what does one do in such a situation?
i sidestepped her (clearly losing the game of chicken) and tried my best not to look at her. making eye contact would have scarred me (and scared me) and i don't need visions like that forever squatting in my subconscious.
after sidestepping the situation i walked really fast to gain ground between us. i never looked back, i had already seen too much.
were these events related to friday the 13th? probably not...it's just a normal day in a big city. but the timing for freaktastic events such as these were spot on.
you win, calendar.
has anyone out there had a tattoo removed? if so, can you please emale me and tell me
a) how much did it cost
b) how bad did it hurt
c) how many sessions did you undergo
d) how does it look post-removal
e) how satisfied are you with the procedure as a whole
i'm wondering if i should have a tattoo removed, or if i should get a sleeve of tattoos to mask the tattoo i don't care for?
it could go either way, i'm just weighing my options.
a) how much did it cost
b) how bad did it hurt
c) how many sessions did you undergo
d) how does it look post-removal
e) how satisfied are you with the procedure as a whole
i'm wondering if i should have a tattoo removed, or if i should get a sleeve of tattoos to mask the tattoo i don't care for?
it could go either way, i'm just weighing my options.
i just posted this article on facebook that talks about how lady gaga is an illuminati puppet with a mission of mind control and non-sensical manipulation. i am so deeply intrigued by this quote from the author:
"Her whole persona (whether its an act or not) is a tribute to mind control, where being vacuous, incoherent and absent minded becomes a fashionable thing."
yes, this is entirely true about lady gaga. her whole "act" is deep into symbolism and illusion that people are entranced, intrigued, and bewildered by...which ups her demand and "fame." she's talented, but she's a complete mind-fuck and boy do americans love that. that's why many of us are deep into drinking, drugs, and prescription medication. after a line of coke, binge drinking a handle of vodka, and popping 5 or 6 adderals, life is like one, giant lady gaga video.
but gaga isn't alone. look at what else our society is obsessed with - do you see a connection?
lady gaga
perez hilton
the kardashians
rachel zoe
paris hilton
the insider
carrie prejean
all of this mindless trash we eat up. yum yum yum. we love absent-minded, shallow, unintelligent entertainment. get me a starbucks, a hair weave, and some heavy eye makeup stat...i feel like a star! the more someone can shock us by being completely uncivil, pretentious, and entirely brainless...the more we LOVE it. the more we live it. the more we expect it as our own, blurred reality. secret is: it's not a reality. it's not fashion. it's not glamorous.
it's a pre-packaged, deeply planned, shiny gimmick. shiny sells.
give them your money. give them your time. give them your attention.
you're a part of the plan. and it's working to a t.
don't be so stupid, america.
our children are fucked.
"Her whole persona (whether its an act or not) is a tribute to mind control, where being vacuous, incoherent and absent minded becomes a fashionable thing."
yes, this is entirely true about lady gaga. her whole "act" is deep into symbolism and illusion that people are entranced, intrigued, and bewildered by...which ups her demand and "fame." she's talented, but she's a complete mind-fuck and boy do americans love that. that's why many of us are deep into drinking, drugs, and prescription medication. after a line of coke, binge drinking a handle of vodka, and popping 5 or 6 adderals, life is like one, giant lady gaga video.
but gaga isn't alone. look at what else our society is obsessed with - do you see a connection?
lady gaga
perez hilton
the kardashians
rachel zoe
paris hilton
the insider
carrie prejean
all of this mindless trash we eat up. yum yum yum. we love absent-minded, shallow, unintelligent entertainment. get me a starbucks, a hair weave, and some heavy eye makeup stat...i feel like a star! the more someone can shock us by being completely uncivil, pretentious, and entirely brainless...the more we LOVE it. the more we live it. the more we expect it as our own, blurred reality. secret is: it's not a reality. it's not fashion. it's not glamorous.
it's a pre-packaged, deeply planned, shiny gimmick. shiny sells.
give them your money. give them your time. give them your attention.
you're a part of the plan. and it's working to a t.
don't be so stupid, america.
our children are fucked.
omg what a bunch of crabcakes you guys are. had i known i'd get so much negative feedback about my less than freakishly excited stance on gaga i would have written more!
i just read 7 hateful emails about why gaga is so amazing, why her style is perfection, how she pushes the envelope, and why i'm so stupid for not understanding it...i was even called "jealous" of her talent.
fiesty. you know me too well.
you guys...seriously. first, i can have my own opinion. i feel like a broken record with that stance. second, the only reason i mentioned the gaga is because 900 people posted something about lady gaga's new video on both facebook and twitter, something to the effect of:
followed by 9 million exclamation points and a link to her video.
glad you guys enjoyed the gag..a. i don't. i don't mind her music, it's fine and all...but c'mon. she's a spectacle.
anyone that demands that much attention from her audience...god i feel like i can't even say this without fearing for my life...but it's not because it's raw talent.
it's a production number. gaga has a great voice. i just wish she wouldn't rely upon glitter and blood and all-that-is-crazy-and-taboo to sell her craft.
just sing.
save the bs. every time her music comes on my nano, i'll give it a listen. sometimes i even enjoy it. but when she's on tv or in the videos...she's no better than carrie prejean.
somebody, anybody LOVE me!
and boy do the gays love her. she was super smart for crediting the gays with her success because now she's golden with them.
whatev. she's best heard and not seen.
that's just one man's perspective.
i just read 7 hateful emails about why gaga is so amazing, why her style is perfection, how she pushes the envelope, and why i'm so stupid for not understanding it...i was even called "jealous" of her talent.
fiesty. you know me too well.
you guys...seriously. first, i can have my own opinion. i feel like a broken record with that stance. second, the only reason i mentioned the gaga is because 900 people posted something about lady gaga's new video on both facebook and twitter, something to the effect of:
followed by 9 million exclamation points and a link to her video.
glad you guys enjoyed the gag..a. i don't. i don't mind her music, it's fine and all...but c'mon. she's a spectacle.
anyone that demands that much attention from her audience...god i feel like i can't even say this without fearing for my life...but it's not because it's raw talent.
it's a production number. gaga has a great voice. i just wish she wouldn't rely upon glitter and blood and all-that-is-crazy-and-taboo to sell her craft.
just sing.
save the bs. every time her music comes on my nano, i'll give it a listen. sometimes i even enjoy it. but when she's on tv or in the videos...she's no better than carrie prejean.
somebody, anybody LOVE me!
and boy do the gays love her. she was super smart for crediting the gays with her success because now she's golden with them.
whatev. she's best heard and not seen.
that's just one man's perspective.
did anyone watch the carrie prejean interview this morning on the today show?
holy crap.
i already knew this before, but after watching the interview it's been undeniably confirmed in concrete that carrie prejean is the dumbest, most hypocritical, spotlight-loving nobody that i have ever witnessed. she's worse than jon and kate combined. wow. it's like jon asked kate to carrie tara reid's fertilized egg and out popped carrie prejean 9 months later except in adult form. carrie probably weighed the same as 6 babies, so it's conceivable...well, before the boob job i guess. those things look somewhat heavy.
at any rate, the interview...um, watch it. without going into a long, unending rant about this, just know that if you are a "conservative woman" you should be extremely concerned that carrie prejean is toting the same label. she said "conservative women live up to a double standard!" "sarah palin has been criticized!" "if sean hannity criticized sonia sotomayor or michelle obama, he'd be thrown off air!"
???? (!)
get real prejean! anyone in the public spotlight (especially politicians) are going to be criticized fairly or unfairly, regardless of party affiliation. that's how it works. when you're a public servant, you're on the chopping block 24/7. have you ever watched fox news, carrie? it's not like they're singing kumbaya about all-things-obama and all-things-liberal.
and then carrie prejean is toting her rights to free speech. liberals want to silence her by releasing the sex tape...which you can call a sex tape, that's fine, but it's not...it's just a private video of carrie performing solo masturbation which was meant to be seen only by her boyfriend-at-the-time! and it's been released as a means to silence her!
wait, how does releasing a sex tape have anything-even-remotely-conceivable to do with silencing someone? that makes zero sense. if anything, it brings you and your i-hate-gay-marriage free-speech-enabled mouth back into the spotlight, you twit. and, call me crazy but...YOU'RE ON THE TODAY SHOW BECAUSE OF YOUR SEX TAPE. what silence?
but she loves the lord and he excludes her skin showmanship as sin because carrie is a model (did models exist bc? must have...) and, duh again, that video was private between her and her boyfriend-at-the-time! she's totally in the clear.
and, carrie wants the right to free speech, as long as she's doing the talking. when gays and lesbians or liberals debate her pocket-padding stance on gay marriage...well she's being palin-ized! it's not fair! stop being mean!
omg prejean, you're going to be so embarrassed when you finally become an adult and look back at your complete stupidity.
i bet her book still standing is a really good read. just kidding of course. the book is trash, carrie prejean is trash, and every thought in her head is 1) airy and 2) trash.
carrie prejean you are the weakest link. goodbye.
holy crap.
i already knew this before, but after watching the interview it's been undeniably confirmed in concrete that carrie prejean is the dumbest, most hypocritical, spotlight-loving nobody that i have ever witnessed. she's worse than jon and kate combined. wow. it's like jon asked kate to carrie tara reid's fertilized egg and out popped carrie prejean 9 months later except in adult form. carrie probably weighed the same as 6 babies, so it's conceivable...well, before the boob job i guess. those things look somewhat heavy.
at any rate, the interview...um, watch it. without going into a long, unending rant about this, just know that if you are a "conservative woman" you should be extremely concerned that carrie prejean is toting the same label. she said "conservative women live up to a double standard!" "sarah palin has been criticized!" "if sean hannity criticized sonia sotomayor or michelle obama, he'd be thrown off air!"
???? (!)
get real prejean! anyone in the public spotlight (especially politicians) are going to be criticized fairly or unfairly, regardless of party affiliation. that's how it works. when you're a public servant, you're on the chopping block 24/7. have you ever watched fox news, carrie? it's not like they're singing kumbaya about all-things-obama and all-things-liberal.
and then carrie prejean is toting her rights to free speech. liberals want to silence her by releasing the sex tape...which you can call a sex tape, that's fine, but it's not...it's just a private video of carrie performing solo masturbation which was meant to be seen only by her boyfriend-at-the-time! and it's been released as a means to silence her!
wait, how does releasing a sex tape have anything-even-remotely-conceivable to do with silencing someone? that makes zero sense. if anything, it brings you and your i-hate-gay-marriage free-speech-enabled mouth back into the spotlight, you twit. and, call me crazy but...YOU'RE ON THE TODAY SHOW BECAUSE OF YOUR SEX TAPE. what silence?
but she loves the lord and he excludes her skin showmanship as sin because carrie is a model (did models exist bc? must have...) and, duh again, that video was private between her and her boyfriend-at-the-time! she's totally in the clear.
and, carrie wants the right to free speech, as long as she's doing the talking. when gays and lesbians or liberals debate her pocket-padding stance on gay marriage...well she's being palin-ized! it's not fair! stop being mean!
omg prejean, you're going to be so embarrassed when you finally become an adult and look back at your complete stupidity.
i bet her book still standing is a really good read. just kidding of course. the book is trash, carrie prejean is trash, and every thought in her head is 1) airy and 2) trash.
carrie prejean you are the weakest link. goodbye.
i find this funny:
i hate to mention youtube again, but i like to watch choreography videos on the tube. i love every aspect of it: the gym setting, the camera focused on the mirror, the dancers rendition of britney songs, the people sitting around and watching...it's all so fascinating. in a weird way.
anyway, what's best about these videos is the dancers' clothing choices. it's almost like...if you're a dancer - you pick the weirdest clothes to dance in. especially the guys. it's always like huge sweaters and sweatpants or capris and converse hightops or cutoff t's with leggings underneath...my personal fave being a hoodie with the hood up.
and nothing ever matches. if you're wearing red on top, you're wearing bright purple sweats or a horizontal striped t with plaid boxers.
...and don't even get me started on the knee highs for girls. what do they do?!?!
it's all so wonderfully awful. but still so wonderful.
i hate to mention youtube again, but i like to watch choreography videos on the tube. i love every aspect of it: the gym setting, the camera focused on the mirror, the dancers rendition of britney songs, the people sitting around and watching...it's all so fascinating. in a weird way.
anyway, what's best about these videos is the dancers' clothing choices. it's almost like...if you're a dancer - you pick the weirdest clothes to dance in. especially the guys. it's always like huge sweaters and sweatpants or capris and converse hightops or cutoff t's with leggings underneath...my personal fave being a hoodie with the hood up.
and nothing ever matches. if you're wearing red on top, you're wearing bright purple sweats or a horizontal striped t with plaid boxers.
...and don't even get me started on the knee highs for girls. what do they do?!?!
it's all so wonderfully awful. but still so wonderful.
hey yall.
guess who i'm mad at? youtube.
yep. good ol'youtube...typically my best friend on planet earh, but today, well today we're in a megabitch fight.
as you might have heard in my latest vlog...youtube and wmg (warner music group...i think?) banned together and took a video of mine off air because of copyright infringement. which is ridiculous...because that's what all of youtube is. so little of it is straight up original content.
anyway, i noticed on my youtube account that a LOT of my videos are tagged for possible copyright issues...but so far only one has been taken down.
this makes me upset. i'm considering moving to vimeo or something like that. i think blogger also supports a video feature that i'll consider.
it's a shame though, because, like i said before, i love youtube. i spend a lot of time on youtube and i love the youtube community. there's so much good stuff there...
i won't tolerate ridiculousness. i'm not claiming to be britney spears (and certainly not scarjo) nor am i claiming that any of her songs were written by yours truly. same with all the other songs. (and as if i have the talent to pen something as genius and creative as 3?! puhlease.) i don't get it. if anything - it's free publicity for cryin out loud. c'mon you legal muckity-mucks...use your marketing brain. i realize they're two entirely different spheres of the brain, but hello there are big bucks to be made and these silly actions of yours aren't padding your wallets. be reasonable for five seconds. and then take me out to dinner as an apology!
i like my steak medium rare.
but anyway, stay tuned. will i stay tubed?
guess who i'm mad at? youtube.
yep. good ol'youtube...typically my best friend on planet earh, but today, well today we're in a megabitch fight.
as you might have heard in my latest vlog...youtube and wmg (warner music group...i think?) banned together and took a video of mine off air because of copyright infringement. which is ridiculous...because that's what all of youtube is. so little of it is straight up original content.
anyway, i noticed on my youtube account that a LOT of my videos are tagged for possible copyright issues...but so far only one has been taken down.
this makes me upset. i'm considering moving to vimeo or something like that. i think blogger also supports a video feature that i'll consider.
it's a shame though, because, like i said before, i love youtube. i spend a lot of time on youtube and i love the youtube community. there's so much good stuff there...
i won't tolerate ridiculousness. i'm not claiming to be britney spears (and certainly not scarjo) nor am i claiming that any of her songs were written by yours truly. same with all the other songs. (and as if i have the talent to pen something as genius and creative as 3?! puhlease.) i don't get it. if anything - it's free publicity for cryin out loud. c'mon you legal muckity-mucks...use your marketing brain. i realize they're two entirely different spheres of the brain, but hello there are big bucks to be made and these silly actions of yours aren't padding your wallets. be reasonable for five seconds. and then take me out to dinner as an apology!
i like my steak medium rare.
but anyway, stay tuned. will i stay tubed?
here's what a real friend isn't:
a real friend isn't a person who believes in payback.
sometimes you just give.
a real friend isn't a person who agrees with you all the time.
especially when your outfit isn't quite right.
a real friend isn't a person whom you can only tolerate when drinking or drunk.
nor should you learn more about them 3 beers in, rather than over tea.
a real friend isn't a person who dates your exes.
there's far too many people in this world.
a real friend isn't a person who has a secret.
from you or about you.
a real friend isn't a person who hasn't met your family.
they are your family.
a real friend isn't a person who would let you make a mistake without at least saying something.
"you have something on your face."
a real friend isn't a person who turns a blind eye.
call them out.
a real friend isn't a person who isn't there.
be there.
a real friend isn't a person who doesn't care.
a real friend is a person, your person, who cares about you above themself.
i know that takes a lot.
a real friend requires a lot.
of you.
i have a lot of friends, but i have few real friends.
which is fine.
but it's important to know the difference.
a real friend isn't a person who believes in payback.
sometimes you just give.
a real friend isn't a person who agrees with you all the time.
especially when your outfit isn't quite right.
a real friend isn't a person whom you can only tolerate when drinking or drunk.
nor should you learn more about them 3 beers in, rather than over tea.
a real friend isn't a person who dates your exes.
there's far too many people in this world.
a real friend isn't a person who has a secret.
from you or about you.
a real friend isn't a person who hasn't met your family.
they are your family.
a real friend isn't a person who would let you make a mistake without at least saying something.
"you have something on your face."
a real friend isn't a person who turns a blind eye.
call them out.
a real friend isn't a person who isn't there.
be there.
a real friend isn't a person who doesn't care.
a real friend is a person, your person, who cares about you above themself.
i know that takes a lot.
a real friend requires a lot.
of you.
i have a lot of friends, but i have few real friends.
which is fine.
but it's important to know the difference.
ok, help a brotha out...what is with all of the hoopla about ryan seacrest having a stalker? don't all celebrities have stalkers of some sort or another?
of course they do. i mean, sometimes i get starstruck by seeing the chicago news anchor people in the streets.
omg that's nbc chicago 5's anchorwoman allison rosati! in a walgreens of all places?! look at her trying to choose a bag of chips. i like cool ranch doritos, too! i could see us being friends. i wonder where she lives?
so, just imagine if it were a bonafied celebrity, how much ones interests would be piqued? probably enough to follow them home, jump the gate, pick the lock, tiptoe down the hall, hide in the linen closet when you hear them coming, peak through the crack to see if the coast is clear, and if so, run out the back door with some of their jewelry/hair samples in tow.
that's what i would do. if i were a stalker.
but boy would times have to be tough for anyone to find the need to stalk ryan seacrest.
but i must say that while i absolutely loathe ryan seacrest, i would never wish a stalker upon him. maybe just an anvil, like in the old timey looney tunes cartoons where it would drop from the sky, land on seacrest with a big BAM!, and then seacrest would take the humanly form of an accordion and wobble around for a little bit going eeee aaaaaaaaa eeeeee aaaaaa eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
but the real question begs to be asked: is seacrest talking to the media about his stalker in an attempt to glorify himself as stalker-worthy?
me thinks so.
he needs the attention: when idol isn't on, who gives a bleep about ryan seacrest other than maybe the kardashians (which he owns) and maybe, just maybe taylor swift?
but perhaps i would stalk ryan seacrest...if it meant that he had to go in permanent hiding and could never be seen, heard, or allowed to interact with mankind ever again.
i'm a giver.
of course they do. i mean, sometimes i get starstruck by seeing the chicago news anchor people in the streets.
omg that's nbc chicago 5's anchorwoman allison rosati! in a walgreens of all places?! look at her trying to choose a bag of chips. i like cool ranch doritos, too! i could see us being friends. i wonder where she lives?
so, just imagine if it were a bonafied celebrity, how much ones interests would be piqued? probably enough to follow them home, jump the gate, pick the lock, tiptoe down the hall, hide in the linen closet when you hear them coming, peak through the crack to see if the coast is clear, and if so, run out the back door with some of their jewelry/hair samples in tow.
that's what i would do. if i were a stalker.
but boy would times have to be tough for anyone to find the need to stalk ryan seacrest.
but i must say that while i absolutely loathe ryan seacrest, i would never wish a stalker upon him. maybe just an anvil, like in the old timey looney tunes cartoons where it would drop from the sky, land on seacrest with a big BAM!, and then seacrest would take the humanly form of an accordion and wobble around for a little bit going eeee aaaaaaaaa eeeeee aaaaaa eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
but the real question begs to be asked: is seacrest talking to the media about his stalker in an attempt to glorify himself as stalker-worthy?
me thinks so.
he needs the attention: when idol isn't on, who gives a bleep about ryan seacrest other than maybe the kardashians (which he owns) and maybe, just maybe taylor swift?
but perhaps i would stalk ryan seacrest...if it meant that he had to go in permanent hiding and could never be seen, heard, or allowed to interact with mankind ever again.
i'm a giver.
ok, so i know i've mentioned this everywhere my emotions are available online...but, i watched twilight for the first time and have since found myself thinking about it ALL THE TIME. wait...before i say any more let me state that i don't believe the movie, as a whole, was that earthshattering. while i really enjoyed it, if you look at it from the script's point-of-view, well, it was kind of...simple, and other times unintentionally funny. i mean, those scenes where rpat is moving extra fast? the baseball stuff? ...the makeup (their faces and necks were two different colors!)
kinda ridiculous. someone should have been fired.
but, there's just something so moving about raw intensity, passion and love that....wow, i don't know, it was just spot on in this movie. i felt it! even months and months and months behind schedule with viewing this movie, i finally got it. so this is why people are obsessed with rpat and bella.
lets be honest though - it's been done before - a la the notebook, where you can just feel the chemistry and attraction between the two lovebirds...but the difference with twilight is that it has vampires (sexy!) and is much shorter (thank you jesus). and i also loved rpat's role in protecting bella and being like...welp, we're together for life now and nothing will ever harm you. yes!
great movie. and i realized new moon is coming out soon...perfect timing, i'm so fresh off the high!...but if you know me you know that i won't be at the theaters on opening day. nuhuh, homey don't do frenzied crowds, especially those consisting of teenage girls. (i did it once for an american idol concert and that's a mistake you make only once.)
anyway, im not anywhere close to the batshit insanity other twilighters exhibit...but after the hysteria calms i will see it over thanksgiving weekend and will happily go through the emotions all over again.
i'm single, what do i have to lose?
long story short: i'm pretty much obsessed with all things twilight and will be scouring the internet for mall appearances where the new moon cast will be appearing.
or am i? today i watched twilight for the second time, not even 24 hours since the first time i viewed it. my excuse being that the second time i watched the movie it was with my mom. and she's normally a hard sell (aka she always falls asleep not even 20 minutes into a movie, regardless of content, just like yours truly) but she too managed to stay awake the whole time and was completely caught up in this shizz. so don't judge me!
AM I ONE OF THOSE FREAK TWILIGHT PEOPLE NOW??? you know, the ones you see on tv that FLIP SHIT about all things rpat and twilight and vampirish?
i just might be. oops!
GUILTY! lock me up.
kinda ridiculous. someone should have been fired.
but, there's just something so moving about raw intensity, passion and love that....wow, i don't know, it was just spot on in this movie. i felt it! even months and months and months behind schedule with viewing this movie, i finally got it. so this is why people are obsessed with rpat and bella.
lets be honest though - it's been done before - a la the notebook, where you can just feel the chemistry and attraction between the two lovebirds...but the difference with twilight is that it has vampires (sexy!) and is much shorter (thank you jesus). and i also loved rpat's role in protecting bella and being like...welp, we're together for life now and nothing will ever harm you. yes!
great movie. and i realized new moon is coming out soon...perfect timing, i'm so fresh off the high!...but if you know me you know that i won't be at the theaters on opening day. nuhuh, homey don't do frenzied crowds, especially those consisting of teenage girls. (i did it once for an american idol concert and that's a mistake you make only once.)
anyway, im not anywhere close to the batshit insanity other twilighters exhibit...but after the hysteria calms i will see it over thanksgiving weekend and will happily go through the emotions all over again.
i'm single, what do i have to lose?
long story short: i'm pretty much obsessed with all things twilight and will be scouring the internet for mall appearances where the new moon cast will be appearing.
or am i? today i watched twilight for the second time, not even 24 hours since the first time i viewed it. my excuse being that the second time i watched the movie it was with my mom. and she's normally a hard sell (aka she always falls asleep not even 20 minutes into a movie, regardless of content, just like yours truly) but she too managed to stay awake the whole time and was completely caught up in this shizz. so don't judge me!
AM I ONE OF THOSE FREAK TWILIGHT PEOPLE NOW??? you know, the ones you see on tv that FLIP SHIT about all things rpat and twilight and vampirish?
i just might be. oops!
GUILTY! lock me up.
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