
Thoughts on my mind:

Why is Mario Lopez-forever AC Slater to me-absolutely everywhere these days, and for no good reason? His only talent as of late has been "hosting" shows, whether it be on the Animal Planet or MTV, as well as being photographed shirtless NON-STOP. Does anyone really care? Props for getting really far on Dancing with the Stars but I don't think that necessarily qualifies his talent or super stardom-ness. What's up, Lopez-enthusiasts? Is this a 35-55 yr old female/cougar demographic-related issue or is he actually worthy of a dim spotlight?

Iraq war-20%, Gas prices-10%, Bush-50%, PerezHilton, TMZ, US Weekly, The Insider, and Extra!-15%, and Paris Hilton-5% are the shortcomings of our country and collectively have screwed it up, potentially irreversibly.

Did anyone notice that CTA bus drivers who work evening and weekend shifts are 98% more vile, foul, rude, and extremely reminiscent of maximum security prison escapees than are the ones who work the normal morning and afternoon shifts? For some reason, the CTA doesn't want to subject the 9-5 rush hour commuters to these freakshow, carnie-esque, afterhours bus drivers yet visitors, tourists, or any common citizen riding mass transit during non-peak hours are subjected to death glares, punchy braking, and no-nonsense, if-your-fare-card-doesn't-work-get-the-hell-off-my-bus and no-I-will-not-tell-you-where-this-bus-route-starts-and-stops type attitude? Either way, I fear these CTA workers both on and off the bus. They'd just as much rather run you over than give you a ride.

Are people STILL talking about Sex and the City? If so, STOP. Please. It's not that cool.

Garbage in my new apartment building is coined as "refuse" whereas garbage in my old apartment building was coined as "rubbish." Uh, whatever happened to "garbage" or perhaps "trash." Too trashy? I don't mind calling garbage rubbish though because it makes me feel slightly British and all around superior.

Bicyclists are being killed everywhere in the city due to traffic accidents. To me, bicyclists are both good and bad. They're good because it's a non-polluting, non-congesting form of travel. However, bicyclists are bad because they almost NEVER follow the rules of the road, as they are legally-bound to do. So, when a bicyclist is killed it's almost always blamed on the motorist but, most times, accidents or deaths are caused by a bicyclist's negligent observance of or respect for street signs and traffic signals. I don't know how many times I, as a pedestrian, have almost been hit by a bicyclist when crossing the street in a cross walk because they just cruised carelessly through a four-way stop. In the city, they're just as dangerous as cars. I almost wish bikes were banned from the streets...perhaps banned from existence. Plus the hipsters that are riding bikes everywhere think they're bad asses. Next time I'm throwing a stick at them.

I can't decide on a hairstyle. Whatever photographs the best, I suppose.

Starbucks has an amazing supply of snacks and foods that are amazingly delicious. Yes, I used amazing as a descriptor twice in the same sentence. My boss is a good judge of the best ones. Current favorites: Toffee almond bar, chocolate chip banana bread, and the simple but delicious giant chocolate chip or macadamia nut cookie. I refrain from drinking any of their beverages (I loathe coffee) but I do consume most of their food. I wish I could put a cup-sleeve-thing around the food though so I could feel just as cool and important as all the coffee drinkers do when they slip those sleeves around their piping hot Starbucks cups.

I feel like I'm getting this reputation as a person who dumps every person I date. While I do dump most people I date it's because I have a very applicable reason and not because of some snobby, materialistic, and/or close-minded aspect of my personality. That didn't make much sense to me either when I reread this paragraph but in my heart of hearts I know what I'm talking about.

My budget has been set and my new expenses have been accounted for and this fiscal year is going to be fantastic.

I puked last weekend. It wasn't pretty and I'm almost sure I haven't forgiven myself for it yet.

That's all for now, folks.


Product Plug: Listerine Smart Rinse

I enjoy this product for the simple fact that, finally, there's a good-tasting, non-offensive mouthwash that tastes like a little slice of heaven. This less abrasive Listerine Smart Rinse tastes like strawberries (can't go wrong with that), cleans plaque effectively (and gently), and what's awesome is that when you spit the rinse out, you can actually see the "stuff" that was removed from your mouth. The rinse magically beads up the "stuff" and you can visibly see the end result in your sink bowl. Cool, right? Just make sure to wash the remnants down the drain otherwise its presence will gross you out after the awe wares off.

Anyway, I'm generally not a fan of mouthwash due to the insanely intense Listerine burning sensation. It's actually a turn-off to the whole dental hygiene process that I so thoroughly enjoy and regard as essential. However, this stuff is fantastic. So, try it out and let me know. After all, pearly whites are a standard I set for both myself and for "you." They're a must.

If you don't have'em, get'em.


This blog always suffers during the summer. Zoops.

Oh, but I do have something to share. I was reading the RedEye this morning and there was actually a good article inside! Woah!

So, some RedEye staffers went out onto the Chicago streets (between Madison and LaSalle) and found well-over a thousand cigarette butts within one city block. The article went on to address the fact that cigarette butts don't "biodegrade" into nothing...they actually break down into small remnants of plastic and debris that remain visible and potentially harmful for 10-15 years.

We all know most people do not use ashtrays...especially now since smokers are legally required to smoke outside. And very rarely are outside receptacles for cigarettes found for public use. Businesses: you need to buy them for your customers. Thanks.

I'm not a smoker because smoking is gross and unhealthy and yada yada. BUT I know a lot of people who do smoke and I encourage them to please, please use a designated outside ashtray/receptacle thing whenever disposing of your butts. Stop flicking them onto the streets, sidewalks, or down sewer drains. Those nasty butts are not biodegradable and your laziness to dispose of your cigarette butts is entirely the same as littering and polluting the Earth. I don't like that at all and I don't like you if you do it.

Stop littering, and stop smoking for that matter. It's sick.



Big things going on...I feel good about them. Really good.

I'm moving. To Seattle, Washington.

Yep. Adios amigos.


Just joshing.

I'm moving 5 blocks south of where I live now. Albeit a small move, it's still a significant move. My current apartment evokes hundreds of memories: some good, some bad, some great, some horrible, some so-so. In leaving I find peace, though. Stuff happened there, things were said there, feelings were felt there, choices were made there.

Like I said, some good, some bad.

For some reason though I delusionally believe that the memories I don't want to keep hold of will stay with that apartment as soon as I leave. Is it that easy?

I don't know that it is, but, for right now, it seems that way. I'll leave it all behind, and see what follows.

My life sounds so dramatic. It really isn't.

These next couple of months are going to provide BIG changes.

I simply cannot wait.

My sister-in-law says the word "fresh" a lot. Fresh diapers, fresh water, fresh clothes...lots of fresh.

I like that word. I can't wait to be FRESH.

Now that I've said it six times, fresh doesn't even seem like a word. It sounds like an onomatopoeia. Perhaps a noise a dolphin would make while swimming and leaping.


I hate reading something, or hearing something, or thinking something...and then letting it pass without jotting it down for future reflection. Because that "something" I earmarked in my brain as significant is now gone and I think it was a really interesting notion.


I do know that it had something to do with letting go of the people and things that you can't quite achieve, acquire, or hold on to.

Something like that?


Yes, yes...it's all coming back to me now. This is such a stream of consciousness blog, and I like it that way.

So, yesterday, I read an article in the RedEye that talked about letting go of the people that you think you want, but in return they either don't want you, aren't good for you, or through some type of galactic/divine intervention...you just can't seem to fully align with them one on one. Truth be told, I have un persona of that particular nature, but I'm letting go. For good. Yep, that's right...cya cya.

We just aren't getting anywhere. I'm constantly worried about the situation, I'm constantly feeling bad about myself for not feeling or seeing the all-too-important sparks of romance, intrigue, desire, or hell...even a sign of general interest would be nice, and worst of all I'm killing myself internally trying to make it work somehow.

I'm done, I'm over it, and I'm moving on.

Ah, I feel better now.

But I must admit that a small, small, tiny, insignificant, and completely hopeless part of me wonders if now that I've let that person go...will that make them want me, especially now more than ever/for the first time? You know, I too always want what I can't have.

Just thinking out loud here...