
Shh...I'm totally at work. I'm supposed to be writing a proposal, but I'm writing this instead. CRAZY.

So what's new, you ask? Well, not a lot. OR MORE THAN LIFE.

Went to New York. Had some good times. Moved to a different apartment in IC. Had some bad times.

I lost a pound because of it all, I think. All of the eating I did in NYC is now discredited due to my non-eating in IC because of all the stress and steps. As in stair steps. As in stairs. Lots of them. Over and over again. I love that my life has some sort of balance, though.

I'm joining a gym now that I no longer have access to Ryan Sumner's private home gym...located in his second bedroom, which is also of no more. I hate working out at gyms. Sweaty people...jocks lifting stuff that they know is way too heavy in the first place...people being sweaty. Sick.

Sometimes when I see really fat people at the gym, I think, "Aw, that's a cute idea." But immediately after that the realist in me comes out and I think "Yeah right, give up."

But I digress.

Did you know about the gossip folk, that did the okedoke, and Missy had to smoke'em because she's dope.

I'm dope, too.

So, when a bear is chasing a deer, do you ever think that the bear is super horny and just wants to fuck the deer, but when he catches the deer, he just gets mad-crazy hungry and eats it instead?

Sometimes I think deer are pretty.


Lately I've been having some weird thoughts. Actually, a series of weird thoughts, all of which seem to collectively bounce off of one another.

The first series of thoughts came to me as I'm barreling down I-80, returning from my trip home over the 4th. I was just admiring the sunset when I thought, "Earth probably hates us." To Earth, I bet we're like those little fish that cling onto bigger fish...just riding along, doing god knows what, but still, riding along and taking advantage of the free ride. However, if I was Earth I'd be all like "Get the fuck off me, idiot." And you KNOW that's exactly what Earth's thinking EVERYDAY. Do you think Earth cares if we die? Oh hells no. Earth would be happy. I bet Earth cannot WAIT for George Bush to kick it.

But yet the Earth keeps us. Gravity keeps us stuck here, even though I'm dying to fly. The other night I had a dream that I could fly and it was the coolest dream I've ever had. I was just hanging out, talking to my Grandpa, who's dead, then all of a sudden I'd have to go do something, so I'd just start running and BOOM - take off into flight.

It was so liberating, too. Ever see "The Neverending Story" ?? You know, at the end, when that kid is flying with Valcor, hauling ass over those damn bullies who, for some reason, decide to hide in a dumpster.

Really? A dumpster? You couldn't think quickly enough to hide in something less smelly?

Anyway, I wonder what I looked like while I was dreaming? Last night I woke up screaming "It's like you don't even CARE!"

I wonder what I meant by that?

Maybe I was talking about Earth. If I hear one more thing about global warming and glaciers melting, I'm going to cry. Then I'm going to get mad. And then I'm going to do something. Those actions could be reversed and/or flipped, too.

I'll keep you posted on the order.

Moral of the story - try not to be an annoying little fish. Don't annoy the Earth. And for god's sake don't annoy me.

Okay, so if we're little sucker fish hitching rides on big momma fish, then would that make aliens pirannas? You know aliens just wanna tear into us tasmanian devil style, where all you see is a tornado around you and when the dust settles you're just a skeleton.

Aliens freak my shit.